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Video still courtesy of the artist 版权由艺术家所有

The Powder of Sympathy

Tuomas A. Laitinen

08”36, 2015, Finland, United States, Benin, China


Diving deep into the often obscure global flow of materials, in this instance copper, The Powder of Sympathy sets in motion a frantic flow of images combined with feverish pounding, hissing and rattling sounds sourced from West Africa, the USA and China. The healing properties of copper are juxtaposed with its conductive role in the development and continuity of electricity-dependent modern societies. It is a hypnotic journey to the material mediation of our existence.


Credits / Tuomas A. Laitinen (Author), Tuomas A. Laitinen (Cinematographer), Tuomas A. Laitinen (Director), Tuomas A. Laitinen (Editor), Jenna Sutela (text), Matti Ahopelto (Music), Tuomas A. Laitinen (Music), Yuan Z (Actor), HIAP / - (Funder), AVEK / - (Funder), TAIKE / - (Funder), Tuomas A. Laitinen (Sound Design)

Chinese subtitles by Yun Yip


Tuomas A. Laitinen works across and fuses together moving image, 3D-animation, light, sound and installations. In his recent work, he has focused on speculative interfaces, the use of natural resources, human and non-human agencies, and the global economy. Throughout his artistic practice, he has been exploring the circulation of energy and the entanglement of various raw materials in society. He often collaborates with different actors from glass artists to neural network researchers.


Tuomas A. Laitinen (b. 1976, Riihimäki) graduated from the Department of Time and Space at the Finnish Academy of Fine Arts, Helsinki, in 2008. Laitinen has participated in exhibitions and festivals around the world, incl. the Bucharest Biennale 7, 2016; SADE LA Gallery, Los Angeles 2015; Moving Image New York 2016; Mildura Palimpsest Biennale, Australia, 2015; 5th Cairo Video Festival, 2013; The Museum of Contemporary Art, Shanghai, 2008; Platform Garanti Contemporary Art Center, Istanbul, 2006. In 2014, Laitinen was awarded the Fine Arts Academy of Finland prize. The award is granted every second year to an emerging internationally interesting Finnish artist. Laitinen participated in New York in the internationally prestigious ISCP (International Studio & Curatorial Program) residence program in the autumn of 2016.






Tuomas A Laitinen







Tuomas A. Laitinen(艺术家)、Tuomas A. Laitinen(摄影师)、Tuomas A. Laitinen(艺术指导)Tuomas A. Laitinen(编辑)、Jenna Sutela (文字)、Matti Ahopelto (音乐)、Tuomas A. Laitinen (音乐)、Yuan Z (演员)、HIAP / - (资金赞助), AVEK / - (资金赞助), TAIKE / - (资金赞助)、Tuomas A. Laitinen (声音设计)



Tuomas A. Laitinen 的创作涉及移动图像、三维动画、灯光、声音以及装置。在他的最近的作品中他关注思辨的相互作用、对自然资源的利用、人类以及非人的能动性和全球化经济。通过其艺术实践,Laitinen探索了能源的循环以及在社会中的各种原材料的交织。他经常与从玻璃艺术家到神经网络研究员等不同身份的表演者合作。


Tuomas A. Laitinen (1976年生)2008年毕业于赫尔辛基的芬兰艺术学院的时间空间专业。Laitinen已经参加了很多国际上的展览和艺术节,包括第七届布加勒斯特双年展,2015年洛杉矶SADE LA画廊,2016年纽约移动图像,2015年澳大利亚Mildura Palimpsest双年展,第五届开罗录像艺术节,2013,2008年上海当代艺术博物馆, Garanti当代艺术中心,伊斯坦布尔,2006年。在2014年,Laitinen被授予芬兰美术学院奖。该奖项每二年颁发给一名新兴的国际知名的芬兰艺术家。 Laitinin于2016年秋季参加了纽约的ISCP(国际工作室和策展计划)的驻地项目。

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