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New Resident: Iris Lacoudre

IFP welcomes Iris Lacoudre who is doing a 3-month residency supported by The Swedish Arts Grants (IASPIS).

During her residency at the Institute of Provocation, Iris will pursue a research project initiated in Paris and focusing on Common places.

1.1 scale testing, house project, collaboration with Tristan Zelic and Camile Sineau, Leknäs, Sweden, 2016

This research will take place in her immediate territory - the Heizima hutong neighbourhood - and investigate their multiple domesticities. Not only as a documentation of a day-to-day changing territory, she will also engage her practice to propose a domestic gesture. The displacement – from a home to a public space - questions a monumental practice of architecture, and raises the value of the actual common places within the imperfections of the city.

Playground for freeroamers, model, Lumsden, Scottish Sculpture Workshop, 2017

Referring to the words of Jean-François Chevrier, the project intends to document a territorial intimacy : "Territorial intimacy is a local, exacerbated form of the experience of spatial continuity: contiguity, which defines local continuity, is redoubled by an effect of envelopment. It is manifested in behavior, attitudes, or, more generally, in a way that is both resonant and diffuse, in an experience of being part of the environment."

Architecture of the reservoirs, Bauhaus, Dessau, 2014

Steel structures, Lumsden, Scottish Sculpture Workshop, 2017


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Institute for Provocation

4/F, Suit B7-3A, 706 North 1rd St.,

2 Jiuxianqiao Rd (798 art zone),

Chaoyang District,






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