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Post-Contingent Coherence


2016, Madrid

A pianist performing Nocturne Op.55, No. 1 in F Minor by Frédéric Chopin suffers from anosognosia: the negation of other kind of pathologies that the patient has like left side paralysis. Contemporary cognitive sciences and neurosciences may be the best way to understand certain common patterns in human behavior through rare pathologies like this one.

From this point of view, the human can be thought as a vehicle which emanates represented content. The neural mechanisms that give rise to this content are mostly transparent in order to interact with the world. An epistemology connected with the self-model notion coined by Thomas Metzinger who says that the self has never existed in the way in which we have understood it in the Cartesian tradition. This perspective situates the human outside of an egocentric position supported by western philosophy after the cogito ergo sum claim. The human is a mere producer of knowledge like other nonhuman agents. In this video, through images and sound, we can see different self-models from a piano player interacting as distinct realities happening at once.

Miguel Ángel Rego Robles (b. 1985, Madrid) is an artist and researcher who lives in Spain. He studied Computer Science and Fine Arts at Complutense University in Madrid and is currently working on his PhD at CSIC (Spanish National Research Council). He studied a Master of Arts degree at the Dutch Art Institute in Arnhem, the Netherlands. He was awarded a pre-PhD scholarship at the CSIC (Spain) and is a member of the editorial and artistic collective Brumaria. He has exhibited his projects and lectured in Spain (LABoral Gijón, Casal Solleric Palma, Fabra i Coats Barcelona, Galería Cero Madrid) and internationally (Sazmanab Tehran, The Showroom Arnhem, XIX Bienal Cerveira Portugal, Charim Gallery Viena).





从这个角度来看,人类可以被认为是能发出被阐释内容的一种传播媒介。引起这个内容的神经机制大多是透明的,以便与可以与外部世界互动。一个与托马斯·梅津格(Thomas Metzinger)创造的自我概念观念有关的认识论,他说自我并没以我们理解笛卡尔的传统方式存在。这种观点在“我思故我在”的主张之后将人置于西方哲学支持下的自我中心位置之外。人只是像其他非人施行者一样的知识生产者。在这个作品中,通过图像和声音,我们可以看到一个钢琴演奏者的不同的自我模型,作为一个独特的现实发生的交互作用。


MiguelÁngelRego Robles(b。1985,Madrid)是一位住在西班牙的艺术家和研究员。他在马德里康普烈修大学学习计算机科学与美术,目前正在CSIC(西班牙国家研究委员会)攻读博士学位。他在Dutch Art Institute学习艺术并获硕士学位。他在CSIC(西班牙)被授予博士预科学位奖学金,并且是艺术集体Brumaria的成员和编辑。他在西班牙(LABoralGijón,Casal Solleric Palma,Fabra I Coats Barcelona,GaleríaCero Madrid)和国际上(Sazmanab Tehran,The Showroom Arnhem,XIX Bienal Cerveira Portugal,Charim Gallery Viena)都有自己的项目和演讲。

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