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Kristiina Koskentola

Kristiina Koskentola is a visual artist, PhD. Currently she divides her time between Amsterdam and Beijing, where she overwinters.


In her recent projects, Koskentola works with issues of subjectivity and agency, ethicality and inclusivity among multiple co-actors, human and nonhuman. She reconfigures immediate and expanding spatial, temporal, material, socio-political and otherworldly conditions, exploring flows and systems of interdependence.

These reflections manifest as constellations of media (including video, photography, materials, stories and objects), as interactive performative projects, and as lectures. She has conducted talks, lectures, workshops and other academic work in different institutions and contexts including Central Academy in Beijing, Finnish Academy of Art in Helsinki, Three Shadows Photography Art Center in Beijing, University of the Arts in London, Dutch Art Institute, Zendai MoMA and Himalayas' Art Museum in Shanghai, Huangbian Station/ Times Museum in Guangzhou, Dushanbe Art Ground in Tajikistan, General Public in Berlin and Smart Project Space in Amsterdam.


Recent exhibitions include: Three Shadows Photography Art Center in Beijing; Zendai MoMA Shanghai; Skaftfel Centre for Visual Arts, Iceland; Gallery Lumen Travo, Amsterdam; Gallery Hippolyte, Helsinki; Museum De Lakenhal/Scheltema, Leiden; Star Gallery, Beijing; Charlois Speciaal, Rotterdam; and 4th Baku Biennial of Conceptual Art in Azerbaijan.

柯里思·瀑布 是位视觉艺术家,博士,在北京和阿姆斯特丹两地工作。在她最近的项目中,Koskentola关注主体性以及能动性,在人与非人等多个共同行动者之间的伦理性和包容性。她重置直接的、扩张的空间、时间、物质、社会政治和超世的条件以探索相互依存的流动和系统。

这些思考表现在一系列诸如视频,摄影,材料,故事和物体等形式中,作为互动的、表演性的项目和讲座。她所做的演讲、工作坊和其它学术活动机构包括中央美术学院,赫尔辛基芬兰艺术学院,三影堂摄影艺术中心,伦敦艺术大学,荷兰艺术学院,上海证大美术馆,广州黄边站、时代美术馆,塔吉克斯坦Dushanbe Art Ground ,柏林General Public和阿姆斯特丹 Smart Project Space。

最近的展览包括北京三影堂摄影艺术中心,上海证大美术馆,冰岛Skaftfel视觉艺术中心,阿姆斯特丹Lumen Travo画廊,赫尔辛基Hippolyte画廊,莱顿De Lakenhal/Scheltema美术馆,北京星空间,鹿特丹Charlois Speciaal,和第四届阿塞拜疆Baku双年展。

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Institute for Provocation

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