Plant Some Weeds
dual channels, color 4min6sec
In the ‘green spaces’ in the cities, weeds are not typically given a place to grow. In response to this tendency, I planted some seeds on lawns in public spaces. This act, of giving the weeds a space in which they can fight for survival, serves as an act of symbolic protest against the way in which the contemporary political culture attempts to program and regulate the lives of individuals. It also reflects human beings’ own inertia of seeking to be programmed.
When exhibited in the past, the processes of collecting and sowing were displayed on two screens respectively. Also, a number of envelopes with seeds were prepared and placed in the exhibition space for people to take away and spread. I would prefer to consider this piece as a proposal for rather than the trace of action.
Yang Jianworks primarily with video and installation. He received a BA (2004) and MA (2007) from the Art College of Xiamen University and was a resident artist at the Rijksakademie Van Beeldende Kunsten in the Netherlands from 2009 to 2010, supported with funding from Stichting Niemeijer Fonds (NL). He has exhibited extensively in solo and group exhibitions in the UK, the Netherlands, USA and China. He currently lives and works in Beijing and Nanjing, China.
双屏幕,彩色, 4分6秒
当时展示时,采集与播种分为两屏幕播放, 展厅里还准备了若干装好种子的信封,鼓励观众取走分头撒播。相较于说这件作品是行动的痕迹,我更认为它是行动的提议。
杨健主要从事装置和录像创作。他分别于2004及2007年在厦门大学艺术学院被授予文学学士与文学硕士学位。2009年至2010年间,他入选荷兰皇家美术学院的国际驻地艺术家项目,并于2010年获得荷兰Stichting Niemeijer基金会赞助支持。2015年他获得华宇青年奖评委会特别奖。他的作品多次在国内外的画廊、机构及公立美术馆展出。