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Pedro Bakker

Pedro Bakker (1952) lives and works in Friesland (NL). He studied Fine Arts and Philosophy in Amsterdam. At first he was a painter and alternately a writer upon art. In 2006 his participation in an "existentialist retreat/Militant Bourgeois" changed his artistic attitude, from painting a meaningless subject to drawing an autobiographical theme. In 2010 he obtained his MA Artistic Research at the University of Amsterdam with a graduation, solo show MUM at W139. Recently he received the 4-year grant "Proven Talent" (Established Artist) from the Mondriaan Fund to work on his, long term, project "New Illusions of Love".

Pedro Bakker 生于1952年,目前生活和工作在荷兰弗里斯兰。曾在阿姆斯特丹学习艺术与哲学。绘画的同时也进行艺术写作。去年,在项目“一个存在主义者的修行/激进的资产阶级”之后,他的创作方向从去意义化的绘画转向了自传体式的创作。目前,他获得了蒙德里安基金会为期四年的项目支持,来完成他的长期项目“幻境别爱”。

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